Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Causes of Teen Suicide Essay - 1500 Words

Teen suicide is becoming more common every year in the United States. In fact, only car accidents and homicides (murders) kill more people between the ages of 15 and 24, making suicide the third leading cause of death in teens and overall in youths ages 10 to 19 years old. Read on to learn more about this serious issue - including what causes a person to consider taking their own life, what puts a teen at risk for suicide or self-harm, and warning signs that someone might be considering suicide and how they can get help to find other solutions. Its common for teens to think about death to some degree. Teens thinking capabilities have matured in a way that allows them to think more deeply - about their existence in the world, the†¦show more content†¦The majority of suicide attempts and suicide deaths happen among teens with depression. Consider these statistics about teen suicide and teen depression: about 1% of all teens attempts suicide and about 1% of those suicide attempts results in death (that means about 1 in 10,000 teens dies from suicide). But for adolescents who have depressive illnesses, the rates of suicidal thinking and behavior are much higher. Most teens who have depression think about suicide, and between 15% and 30% of teens with serious depression who think about suicide go on to make a suicide attempt. Keep in mind that most of the time for most teen?s depression is a passing mood. The sadness, loneliness, grief, and disappointment we all feel at times are normal reactions to some of the struggles of life. With the right support, some resilience, an inner belief that there will be a brighter day, and decent coping skills, most teens can get through the depressed mood that happens occasionally when life throws them a curve ball. But sometimes depression doesnt lift after a few hours or a few days. Instead it lasts, and it can seem too heavy to bear. When someone has a depressed or sad mood that is intense and lingers almost all day, almost every day for 2 weeks or more, it may be a sign that the person has developed major depression. MajorShow MoreRelatedThe Cause And Effect Of The Teen Suicide Essay1334 Words   |  6 PagesTeen suicide is a big problem all around the world, and we try to prevent it by offering help, and medications for whatever these teens are going through. What you may or may not know is that although we do offer help, these teens who are suicidal face negative criticism which sometimes pushes them to do something drastic. 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The lack of prevention to help reduce the rate of teen suicide that the community deficient in is why more students and schools are coming together to help spread awareness within communities and around the world. Suicide has become a big issue in todays generation, especially for teens. Suicide is now known as the third leading cause of death among youth all around the worldRead MoreTeen Suicide Is The Third Leading Cause Death For High School Students1396 Words   |  6 PagesOver the years teen suicide has increased tremendously. According to Michael Jellinek, â€Å"the adolescent may feel they have no choice but to end their intense internal suffering or to solve a hopeless dilemma by ending it all†(Preventing Teen Suicide). According to the Center of Disease Prevention, â€Å"suicide is the third-leading cause of death for high school students after car accidents and homicides†(Bratsis). 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Kirchoff’s son was a normal kid who had many friends, a loving family, and dreamt that he would become a successful doctor, but all was taken away after he made the decision to take his life. Ryan had depression and refused to seek help from the people he trusted resultingRead MoreTeen Suicide Essays1064 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom cancer, getting shot, or car accidents, but by their own hands. They make the choice to take their lives; they commit suicide. To begin, what is â€Å"Suicide†? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, suicide is the act or instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally. The number of teenagers who take their lives is rapidly increasing each year. Teen suicide is escalating out of control and no one seems to realize just how severe the issue has become. Every day and average of

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Applications of Magnetism in the Computer...

Many aspects of Computer Engineering are affected by the study of Magnetism. Unlike many fields of study, however, magnetism can be both helpful and harmful when it comes to many of the devices used in computers. One of the most basic examples of the use of magnetism in conjunction with computers is the hard drive. Nowadays, hard drives are used in many different consumer electronics products from computers to mp3 players to game consoles. A hard drive is used to store large amounts of data, and also to retrieve stored data quickly. A hard drive works by storing data in the form of tiny magnetic domains onto a magnetic ‘platter’. The platter is made up of thousands of tiny magnetic domains. Within each domain, a northern charge†¦show more content†¦In a CRT monitor, a piece of heated filament plays the part of the cathode. As it is heated inside the vacuum present inside the tube, it gives off a stream of electrons, which are attracted by a positive anod e. The anode focuses and accelerates the stream of electrons towards the front of the display. The stream of electrons is steered by two copper coils – one to steer the electrons vertically, and the other to adjust their horizontal trajectory. These coils create an electromagnetic field which adjusts the path of the electron towards the front of the screen. The front of the tube is coated with phosphors which glow then struck by an electron. To display an image, the beam starts in the upper left corner, and paints from left to right. Once the beam reaches the edge of the screen, it travels all the way back to the left side, down a pixel, and starts over. The different shades of colors are created by changing the intensity of the beam, giving you intensities varying from white to black. When you attach a magnet to the screen, it attracts the beam of electrons, and can cause it to hit the wrong phosphor, displaying distortions in both color and picture. Even when you r emove the magnet, sometimes the distortion on the screen will stay, giving you a veritable rainbow of mismatched colors. The reason behind this is that even though the magnet was only attached for a short period of time, that period of time was enough to give a slight magnetic charge toShow MoreRelatedModern Potentials And Applications Of Ferrofluids1252 Words   |  6 Pagesthe modern potentials and applications of ferrofluids? Ferrofluids have current applications in a variety of fields and continue to have potentials for further advancements in others. With research of the first ferrofluid in 1963 by Steven Papell with N.A.S.A., ferrofluids have been used to provide advancements in the field of technology. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium †

Question: Discuss about the Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. Answer: Introduction: Critical Path Method or CPM is a stepwise technique of project management that is used for planning of strategies for the various processes that identifies critical and non-critical tasks to prevent time and process related issues in the project. The CPM is generally applied to those projects that have numerous activities interacting in a complicated pattern (Bhme et al. 2012). The steps of applying Critical Path Method to a project are as follows: The tasks of the project are required to be defined and listed sequentially. Relevant diagrams and flowcharts are required to be made that specifies the relation of the tasks with each other. The critical and non-critical relations within the tasks need to be recognised and segmented. The approximate completion time for each task is to be determined. Backup plans should be made for the most critical tasks (Schwalbe 2015). Planning Software and its Utility in Project Management The most popularly used and admired tool for the planning and management of any kind of project of any size is MS Project developed by Microsoft Corporation. It helps a team to complete projects with ease by providing built-in project management and planning templates, easy tools for scheduling the steps of performing a project and ease of access from any type of computing device like laptop, computer, tab and mobile phone. The MS Project helps the team to plan the shortest and easiest path to proceed in the project that requires less time and resource ( 2017). Monitoring Project Progress The progress of a project can be easily monitored by using the various features of the MS Project Management Software. Each individual related to the project can upload progress report on daily basis and overall report on weekly basis in the MS Project, which can be viewed and updated by all the team members and manager of the project. The upcoming methods of execution of the project can also be shared within the project personnel so that the manager and others get an idea on the proceedings of the project ( 2017). To ensure a successful project management it is the duty of the project manager to take frequent follow ups on the progress of the project from the team members of the project. This can be done easily by using a project planning software such as the MS Project the project team can upload daily or weekly reports on the progress of the project in the form of Gantt charts, Timeline charts, Spreadsheets, Excel Sheets, and such. The manager can also arrange for weekly meetings with the team of the project and discuss the progress of the project and the future planning regarding the progress of the project (Young 2013). Changes possible in an IS/IT Project and their Management Three types of changes are there that can be experienced in an IS/IT Project: Developmental Change This type of change is made within a project when some sudden modifications or alterations are required to be made within the project. The whole situation of the project is not altered; rather a part of it is modified (Lee, Bull and Ho 2013). Transitional Change This type of change occurs when it becomes necessary to implement a new method or strategy in the project. The previous course of actions of the project is discarded and new ones are implemented (Kerzner 2013). Transformational Change This type of change generally occur when a new process is born because of failure of a previous process. It is an uncontrolled change that cannot be prevented from occurring but can be modified gradually (Hayes 2014). The changes can be managed by implementing proper change control methodology within the project and if the type of change can be identified within the project, the manager can control the reactions of the team members to the changes (Hayes 2014). References Bhme, D., Wolf, F., de Supinski, B.R., Schulz, M. and Geimer, M., 2012, May. Scalable critical-path based performance analysis. In Parallel Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2012 IEEE 26th International (pp. 1330-1340). IEEE. Hayes, J., 2014. The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Kerzner, H., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. 2017. Microsoft Project Management, Templates, Scheduling, Tools. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2017]. Schwalbe, K., 2015. Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Young, T.L., 2013. Successful project management (Vol. 52). Kogan Page Publishers.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Socratic Philosophy Essays - Educational Psychology, Problem Solving

Socratic Philosophy Philosophy of Education Learning is a complex process aquired through a variety of experiences. Cooperation between a teacher and student facilitates the greatest growth in each student's intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. Cirriculum must be relevant to the needs of individuals while enhancing both respect and communication within a multicultural society. A supportive enviroment allows student's to develop a positive attitude towards learning for life. Students do not get bored or lose concentration if they are actively participating. If lesson plans permit, students will participate actively in unison or one after another. The Socratic method allows students to learn for themselves. As the educator, you produce questions to the class that allow them to think and work together which also allows them to learn together. For instance, without lecturing to the class, a lesson could be taught in a health education by asking questions about their reading assignment. ?What are the benefits of not smoking In response, the class works in unison to piece together the answers. This improves social skills, which stated before, will improve violence and behavior issues. The chief benefits of this method are that it excites students' curiosity and arouses their thinking, rather than stifling it. It also makes teaching more interesting, because most of the time, you learn more from the students -- or by what they make you think of -- than what you knew going into the class. Each group of students is just enough different, that it makes it stimulating. It is a very efficient teaching method, because the first time through tends to cover the topic very thoroughly, in terms of their understanding it. It is more efficient for their learning then lecturing to them is, though, of course, a teacher can lecture in less time. Finally, two of the interesting, perhaps side, benefits of using the Socratic method are that it gives the students a chance to experience the attendant joy and excitement of discovering (often complex) ideas on their own. And it gives teachers a chance to learn how much more inventive and bright a great many more students are than usually appear to be when they are primarily passive. Students do not get bored or lose concentration if they are actively participating. Almost all of these children participated the whole time; often calling out in unison or one after another. If necessary, I could have asked if anyone thought some answer might be wrong, or if anyone agreed with a particular answer. You get extra mileage out of a given question that way. I did not have to do that here. Their answers were almost all immediate and very good. If necessary, you can also call on particular students; if they don't know, other students will bail them out. Calling on someone in a non-threatening way tends to activate others who might otherwise remain silent. That was not a problem with these kids. Remember, this was not a gifted class. It was a normal suburban third grade of whom two teachers had said only a few students would be able to understand the ideas. The chief benefits of this method are that it excites students' curiosity and arouses their thinking, rather than stifling it. It also makes teaching more interesting, because most of the time, you learn more from the students -- or by what they make you think of -- than what you knew going into the class. Each group of students is just enough different, that it makes it stimulating. It is a very efficient teaching method, because the first time through tends to cover the topic very thoroughly, in terms of their understanding it. It is more efficient for their learning then lecturing to them is, though, of course, a teacher can lecture in less time. It gives constant feed-back and thus allows monitoring of the students' understanding as you go. So you know what problems and misunderstandings or lack of understandings you need to address as you are presenting the material. You do not need to wait to give a quiz or exam; the whole thing is one big quiz as you go, though a quiz whose point is teaching, not grading. Though, to repeat,