Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Franchising Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Diversifying Marketing - Essay Example Diversifying has been perceived as a fruitful plan of action prompting quickened development of the new store with nearby control of the establishment proprietors guaranteeing lesser money related dangers with remunerations related with neighborhood possession which requires lower level of management and economies of scale. The most broadly acknowledged meaning of an establishment alludes to an authoritative connection between a franchisee (generally taking type of an independent company) and a franchisor (normally a bigger business) where the previous consents to deliver or showcase an item or administration as per the outline formulated by the franchisor(Stanworth et al. 1995) The executives Structures: Franchising is basically characterized as far as the lawful business understanding between two accomplices, the franchisor and the franchisee. The franchisor, who has recently settled a market-tried business bundle of items or administrations, goes into a proceeding with legally binding relationship with various franchisees, regularly entrepreneurs, who must work their organizations as indicated by the franchisor's predetermined arrangement (Curran and Stanworth, 1983). The franchisor gives a demonstrated technique for activity, backing, and guidance on the setting up of the new franchisees, and furthermore ensures proceeding with help to the franchisee. Consequently, the franchisee pays a single amount participant expense and different charges for standard administrations (that is, eminence on deals, publicizing expenses, advertising demand) (Fulop and Forward, 1997). Diversifying has been embraced a development methodology for some organizations in busine ss with the coming of globalization. It is a unique in relation to other type of business. An establishment is a cross breed type of business portrayed by complex legally binding plans (Eisenhardt, 1989). Despite the fact that numerous establishments work among half and half and the progressive system (unified or hierarchical) firm and join both the diversified units just as the organization claimed outlets (Brickley and Dark, 1987) In a half and half activity, the franchisor screens and controls the franchisee inside the cutoff points indicated in the establishment understanding. Conversely, the franchisor works organization claimed outlets through their position over a concentrated administration or as a progressive association. The asset shortage hypothesis and the office hypothesis clarified the hypothesis of diversifying around the cross breed and chain of importance types of establishment association. Backing for the office hypothesis as a method of reasoning behind diversifying was generous. Examination found that the franchisee inspiration as a specialist was seen to be the most significant system of the establishment firms (Oxenfelt and Kelly, 1968-69) while the capital bit of leeway of diversifying, which was proposed by the asset shortage hypothesis, had a low affirmation by the franchisors (Lillis, Narayana and Gilman, 1976). The franchisee's high inspiration was most likely gotten from the idea of the establishment relationship. Diversifying includes a trade connection among franchisor and franchisee which was once in a while portrayed as an organization or key union (Stanworth and Kaufmann, 1996). The franchisee is just dealing with an outlet including the corporate procedure of the franchisor and partly has a level of independence in dealing with the outlet (Dant and Gundlach, 1998). Dissimilar to the organization possessed chief, the franchisee appreciates more reliance in maintaining the everyday business Franchisee and Franchisor: The

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Stereotyping Women In The Media :: Gender Papers

Since forever when we consider ladies in the public arena we consider little and dainty. The present current depiction of ladies generalizations the female sex as being everything that most ladies are definitely not. Due to this portrayal, the attitude of ladies today is to be slim and to look a specific way. There are numerous difficulties with ladies needing to be a sure size. They experience physical and mental issues to attempt to defeat what they are not content with. On the planet, there are individuals who mention to us what size we ought to be and on the off chance that we are not that size we are not even worth anything. As a result of the manner in which ladies have been generalized in the media, there has been some dubious issues raised with respect to the way the world perspectives ladies. These issues are significant in light of the fact that they influence the manner in which we see ourselvesââ€"contributing in a negative method to how positive or negative our mental s elf view is. In the media there are individuals who see ladies a specific way, and on the off chance that we don't hold to the standard that we are not in the same class as other ladies who are the size the media says we must be. In an article it said that Huge ladies in America are to all plans and purposes imperceptible in the present slimness fixated culture. A major ladies is neither seen nor heard, and is characterized simply as far as her weight and others' preference. (Goodman standard 1) This is a hard thing for ladies that a heavier to comprehend on the grounds that they need the individual to believe that they are heard. This plays into the way that they think and the way that ladies take a gander at their bodies. You can see this occurrence with various kinds of TVs appears, which put on the act more slender ladies. For all intents and purposes the main TV programming that tends to her legitimately comprises of weight reduction promotions, the message: get in shape. You're not genuine ladies except if that is no joke). It is difficult to feel that this announcement could be valid, however 2

Friday, August 21, 2020

Important Facts About the Nicotine Inhaler

Important Facts About the Nicotine Inhaler Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking Print Nicotine Inhaler Use Pros and Cons By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on January 03, 2017 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine.   Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD Updated on January 18, 2020 CHASSENET / BSIP / Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking After You Quit Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery The nicotine inhaler is a form of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)??  that consists of a plastic cigarette-like tube that houses a replaceable nicotine cartridge and a mouthpiece. The cartridge contains 10 mg of nicotine. How the Nicotine Inhaler Is Used When a person  draws on the mouthpiece end of the nicotine inhaler, nicotine is released and absorbed through the membranes in the mouth and throat. Less than 5% of the inhaled nicotine reaches the respiratory tract.   Of the 10 mg of nicotine in a cartridge, 4 mg can be inhaled and 2 mg absorbed into the body. Each cartridge lasts about 20 minutes and delivers approximately  the same amount of nicotine as one cigarette. How Long Does Nicotine Inhaler Therapy Last? Your doctor will instruct you on a course of treatment??  thats right for you, but manufacturers typically recommend that ex-smokers start with a minimum of 6 nicotine cartridges a day for three to six weeks.  If needed, up to 16 cartridges can be used daily for up to 12 weeks.  After that, youll taper down the dosage gradually with the help of your doctor until youre weaned off of it completely. You should never use more than 16 cartridges in a 24 hour period. Where Can I Buy the Nicotine Inhaler? The nicotine inhaler is one of two types of nicotine replacement therapy  that requires a doctors prescription. The other is nicotine nasal spray. Can I Become Addicted to the Nicotine Inhaler? Yes, however, the risk of addiction is low due to how the nicotine is absorbed into the body.   Cigarettes deliver nicotine to the brain within seven seconds via the lungs, giving smokers a pleasurable hit of dopamine.  Dopamine is thought to be directly linked to the addictive process. The inhaler sends most of its nicotine into the bloodstream through the  mouth and throat and is much slower to reach the brain.  Ex-smokers dont receive a rush of dopamine and so the experience of using the inhaler is less gratifying.   It does deliver enough nicotine to take the edge off of nicotine withdrawal, however, which is what its meant to do. Nicotine Inhaler vs. E-cigarettes On the surface, the two are similar, but there are important differences between them. The nicotine inhaler uses therapeutic nicotine.  Therapeutic nicotine is manufactured under strict guidelines because it is regulated. This means that you can trust that the amount of nicotine advertised on the package is exactly what you are receiving. The nicotine inhaler and all NRTs have a physician-approved course of treatment  associated with it. While this isnt a guarantee that it will work or that you wont become dependent on it, it does offer guidelines for usage and has helped thousands of people quit tobacco. The electronic cigarette is not classified as a quit aid.  It is considered  a tobacco product, and a smoking alternative.   Up until 2016, the electronic cigarette was not a federally-regulated product either, so there were no checks and balances on the production of the nicotine solution or the delivery devices. The quantity of nicotine varied considerably, and consumers couldnt trust that what they were receiving was the same as what was advertised on packaging.   Federal regulation is in place now in the United States, so going forward, manufacturers will have to comply with standards of production, which will ultimately benefit consumers.  Federal regulation will also keep e-cigarettes out of the hands of kids under the age of 21. As of Dec. 20, 2019, the new legal age limit is 21 years old for purchasing cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco products in the U.S. The Food and Drug Administrations latest policy now requires e-cigarette companies to stop manufacturing and selling flavored vaping products (excluding menthol and tobacco) by the end of January 2020. The medical community and scientists agree that more research is needed on electronic cigarettes before a decision can be made about whether they  would be a safe and helpful quit aid. Common Side Effects of the Nicotine Inhaler Common side effects?? associated with the nicotine inhaler include: throat and/or mouth irritationcoughstomach upset Additionally, you might experience: change in tastesinus pain/pressurepain in the jaw, neck or backheadaches In rare instances, side effects can be serious. If you experience a rapid heart rate while using the nicotine inhaler, seek medical attention immediately. In addition, the nicotine inhaler can cause symptoms that fall outside of those listed here and below in the special precautions section. If you experience anything out of the ordinary while using this product, call your doctor. Special Precautions Consult your doctor before choosing the nicotine inhaler if:?? You are pregnant. Nicotine can be harmful to the fetus so you should try to quit without the use of an NRT if possible.Youve recently had a heart attack, have a heart condition, high blood pressure or problems with circulation.You have respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema.You have hyperthyroidism or insulin-dependent diabetes.You have kidney or liver disease. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are allergic to nicotine and share all other medications youre using, including vitamins and supplements. Signs of Nicotine Overdose Do not smoke while using the nicotine inhaler or any other NRT.  This could put you  at risk for a nicotine overdose.?? Signs of a nicotine overdose can include: dizzinessupset stomachbad headachesvomitingcold sweatsdroolingconfusionblurred visionhearing problemsweakness or fainting If you think youve had an overdose of nicotine, stop using the nicotine inhaler and call your doctor immediately. Pros and Cons of the Nicotine Inhaler As with most things, nicotine inhaler use has pros and cons. Pros The nicotine inhaler reduces symptoms of nicotine withdrawal by allowing ex-smokers to quit using nicotine gradually.   Cons The nicotine inhaler reinforces smoking behavior.When we quit smoking, it is counter-productive to use an NRT that mimics cigarettes both in looks and in how it is used. The risk of re-addiction. Because the nicotine inhaler is used on an as-needed basis, the potential to abuse this quit aid exists. While the risk isnt high for this particular NRT due to the lack of smoking satisfaction it delivers to ex-smokers, the risk isnt zero, either.  Take care to use this nicotine-based product exactly as prescribed, weaning off of it in the amount of time suggested. A Word From Verywell The nicotine inhaler  can help you quit smoking, but remember that it is a quit aid, not a miracle cure. The magic for success with smoking cessation lies within you, not a product. Work on developing the resolve to quit smoking one simple day at a time and be patient. Time, determination and support will help you win this race. Believe that, believe in yourself and be willing to do the work it takes to quit for as long as it takes. Youll find that you can quit smoking, just as others have.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Declaration of Independence - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 268 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/09/24 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Independence Essay Revolution Essay Did you like this example? PART I The Declaration of Independence is considered by many to be the finest piece of political prose ever written. It can be seen as a document in five parts: the introduction, the preamble, the denunciation of George III, the denunciation of the British people, and the conclusion. We are going to closely examine the first three as a way to understand how Jeffersons rhetorical strategies serves the political aims of the young colonies. The introduction consists of the first paragraph, which is a single long sentence (periodic sentence for those who will do well in May). Read the first paragraph and come up with two reasons why Jefferson would frame the introduction in the way he did. Reason I Seen within its original context, however, it is a model of subtlety, nuance, and implication that works on several levels of meaning and allusion to orient readers toward a favorable view of America and to prepare them for the rest of the Declaration. Textual Support From its op ening phrase, which sets the American Revolution within the whole course of human events, to its assertion that the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle America to a separate and equal station among the powers of the earth, to its quest for sanction from the opinions of mankind, the introduction elevates the quarrel with England from a petty political dispute to a major event in the grand sweep of history. It dignifies the Revolution as a contest of principle and implies that the American cause has a special claim to moral legitimacyall without mentioning England or America by name. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Declaration of Independence" essay for you Create order

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Terrible Corruption Of The Medieval Church - 1930 Words

In other words, the Pardoner preached his sermons on greed as to guilt those who listened into being more generous with their money so he could satisfy his own greed. Chaucer gave this excellent example of the terrible corruption of the medieval Church in Canterbury Tales. The Middle Ages spanned from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD through the beginning of the Renaissance. This was a period of great hypocrisy and darkness within the Church and its leaders. The corruption of the Church during the Middle Ages can be studied by exploring the effects of the Black Plague, the resulting corruption within the church, the unbiblical practices that came about, and those who recognized the corruption and fought to expose it. Problems: The†¦show more content†¦Perpetrators: Throughout history, there have been many popes who have promoted these unethical practices. Pope Boniface VIII is one of the most well-known corrupted popes. After making his way up to the position of pope in 1294, Boniface began his tyrannical leadership. He was in favor of papal authority which was the belief that the pope has ultimate authority over the whole church and can exercise it unhindered at any time (Bonsor, Roos). He also felt that he was the supreme authority over not just the church, but over the emperor as well. Boniface abused his power, waging wars, leading conquests, and collecting riches for himself. He also feuded for many years with King Philip IV because he believed the church should not be taxed. Dante Alighieri, an Italian poet, was a personal enemy of Boniface because he believed that the emperor and pope should share equally distributed power between them. He also condemned Boniface’s participation in simony. Later, Boniface’s careless actions resulted in Dante’s exile; therefore, Dante reserved a place for Pope Boniface VIII in the eighth circle of hell in his work Inferno for his disgraceful acts against him and the church. In addition to the damage Pope Boniface VIII caused the medieval church, Pope Alexander VI further contributed to the Church’s downfall.Show MoreRelatedSpain: Then and Now Essay783 Words   |  4 PagesCartagena as capital. In the Punic war the Roman army defeats Hannibal and the Carthaginian Empire is inhibited. (It is actually said they ground the stones of Carthage). By the 1st century Roman rule was complete. But this was not an entirely terrible thing, Rome brought, as they did to many colonies both peace and prosperity. But in Spain the most lasting legacy of the Romans would be the introduction of Christianity to Spain. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Justice And Injustice Of Kill A Mockingbird And 12...

The Justice and Injustice in To Kill A Mockingbird and 12 Angry Men The novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and the film 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose have many similarities and differences in relation to the theme of justice and injustice. The purpose of this essay is to explore these similarities and differences and find more in depth meaning to these two texts. In both To Kill A Mockingbird and 12 Angry Men, Atticus and Juror No. 8 abstain from commonly held prejudice views and try to uphold justice fairly. In the novel, it deals with the fact that it is a black man s word over a white s and in the film it also has a theme of prejudice as the boy is criticised because of where he lives. Justice did not prevail in To Kill A Mockingbird, where as this was the case in 12 Angry Men where justice was served. Throughout this essay I will highlight some literary techniques and elements such as characters, theme, metaphors, hyperboles and irony. In both To Kill A Mockingbird and 12 Angry Men, Atticus and Juror No.8 uphold justice fairly by avoiding commonly held prejudice views. In 12 Angry Men Juror No.8 started out as the only man in the jury that had any second thoughts about the boys guilt, even though the rest of the jury voted guilty. He, much like Atticus, looked at the evidence rationally and found holes in that evidence which he pointed out to the rest of the jury. In To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus stood up for Tom Robinson, not just that, he fought for Tom sShow MoreRelatedJustice In Reginald Roses 12 Angry Men1532 Words   |  7 Pagesan individual has on justice, and the truth that they personally seek, are the deciding factors in determining what the true meaning of righteousness is for an individual. The perspective of justice a person has however is not the only factor that comes into play, when establishing whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. The play, ‘12 angry men’, written by Reginald Rose, is a drama involved around a jury and a homicide case. In comparison, the movie, ‘To kill a mockingbird’, directed by RobertRead MoreJustice vs Revenge1325 Words   |  6 PagesJustice is part of revenge; as also for revenge is part of justice. â€Å"Justice† comes from a Latin word that means â€Å"straight, fair, equal†, it’s the quality of being righteous and loyal towards one’s state, although serves the interests of the stronger (Hourani, 1962), while revenge is the act of taking retaliation for injuries or wrongs. What ever the circumstances are being the individual who experiences a unjust act, results in the hunt for one of these two things: Justice or revenge. What are theRead MoreJem Character Analysis1101 Words   |  5 PagesWho was Jeremy (Jem) Finch or in other words, who had he become towards the end of the novel? In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem was one of the most important character throughout the novel.In my perspective, Jem was a noble and brave kid and grew up way too fast for his age. In the beginning of the novel, he was barely 10 years old and in the end, he was nearly 13 years old. He had experienced difficult life time events that changed his life and he understood how life was backRead MoreJasper Jones Study Guide6848 Words   |  28 Pages...................... 10 Race and Ethnicity................................................................................................................................. 11 To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM)................................................................................................................ 12 Australian Culture ................................................................................................................................. 14 Language and Narrative Technique

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bioethics Essay free essay sample

Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease. In the future, this technique may allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a gene into a patients cells instead of using drugs or surgery. The science and the history of this subs etc help doctors to use it in the future. Also, there are many pros and cons of using gene therapy. Opinions and the predicted future of this form of bio technology are very strong and very weak. The science of gene therapy starts with the scientists of 1 985, hoping to cure s mom diseases.A four-year Old girl became the first gene therapy patient on Septet err 14, 1990 at the NIH Clinical Center. She has adenosine dominate (DAD) deficiency, a genetic disease which leaves her defenseless against infections. The type of technique uses used for gene e therapy are divided into two categories, somatic cell therapy, and gremlin therapy. We will write a custom essay sample on Bioethics Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Soma tic cell therapy(most of the cells of the body) is viewed as a more conservative, safer approach because it affects only the targeted cells in the patient, and is not passed on to future g enervation.Gremlin therapy is a gene is inserted into the DNA of the gremlin cells (egg or sperm) so that he offspring of the patient will have the inserted gene. The DNA is being inject Ted with a cure, kind of, to get rid of that specific disease. Swiss physician Frederica Miseries found a weak acid in the nuclei of white bal DOD cells, but he actually was the first person to encounter DNA. A forayer old girl became the first gene therapy patient on September 14, 1990 at the NIH Clinical Center. She has ad noise dominate (DAD) deficiency, a genetic disease which leaves her defenseless against infect ions.Before that, in January 1944, it was discovered that a gene can be transferred from one cell I to another. Then n January Of 1 954, it was discovered that viruses can be used to help transfer one gene from one cell to another. In 1970, it was attempted for the first time to do gene therapy y on a hope and the therapy ended up being successful. There are many pros of using this technique. It is possible that gene therapy c an cure diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, many type of cancer, or Parkinson disease. I t has several advantages over drug therapy, like providing a cure rather than just tranquility e the symptoms.Gene therapy is the only help for curing diseases, unless there is some found cure for that certain disease. Gene therapy will revolutionize the practice of medicine. The role of doctors and patients will be changing in the coming years, and it will all be due to gene the rape. This technique has the ability to cure many of the diseases that have affected our society for years. There are also many cons to this use of gene therapy. The lack Of understands nag of the treatment and how it works could be very bad.By not knowing what gene the rape can do(effect it might have on the patient), it could harm someone, (likely or not likely). That would lead to a bad reputation and no one would ever let a doctor use gene therapy on them. If doctors want the gene therapy to have long term effects, then more research needs to be done . There is no guarantee that the vector carrying the good gene, will end up in the right place e. That might cause more damage to the genetic make up and cause the disease to grow, spread, or worse. Drug therapy, although only palliating the manifestation, has been tried and deem d safer than gene therapy. Perhaps the most important idea to take away from gene therapy is that prep active genetic testing represents just a tiny bit of knowledge about an extremely complex us object: our genetic makeup. Scientists had hoped that the complete human genome would quickly lead us into an age of individualized medicine: Doctors could perform tests to assess genetic risks for common (and monotonous) diseases; determine whether a patient was vulnerable t o certain environmental factors, including cigarette smoke and air pollution; and deter mine what drugs would work best for a patient with the fewest harmful side effects.Although we havent yet reached the age of individualized medicine, a growing number of predictive g emetic tests can save lives and Influence lifestyle decisions; however, the value of these tests v rises because most have uncertain predictive value. Really don t have an opinion on gene therapy, i agree with it, but then i disagree e. I agree with it because it can prevent child ren from dying prematurely from a disease .