Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bioethics Essay free essay sample

Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease. In the future, this technique may allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a gene into a patients cells instead of using drugs or surgery. The science and the history of this subs etc help doctors to use it in the future. Also, there are many pros and cons of using gene therapy. Opinions and the predicted future of this form of bio technology are very strong and very weak. The science of gene therapy starts with the scientists of 1 985, hoping to cure s mom diseases.A four-year Old girl became the first gene therapy patient on Septet err 14, 1990 at the NIH Clinical Center. She has adenosine dominate (DAD) deficiency, a genetic disease which leaves her defenseless against infections. The type of technique uses used for gene e therapy are divided into two categories, somatic cell therapy, and gremlin therapy. We will write a custom essay sample on Bioethics Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Soma tic cell therapy(most of the cells of the body) is viewed as a more conservative, safer approach because it affects only the targeted cells in the patient, and is not passed on to future g enervation.Gremlin therapy is a gene is inserted into the DNA of the gremlin cells (egg or sperm) so that he offspring of the patient will have the inserted gene. The DNA is being inject Ted with a cure, kind of, to get rid of that specific disease. Swiss physician Frederica Miseries found a weak acid in the nuclei of white bal DOD cells, but he actually was the first person to encounter DNA. A forayer old girl became the first gene therapy patient on September 14, 1990 at the NIH Clinical Center. She has ad noise dominate (DAD) deficiency, a genetic disease which leaves her defenseless against infect ions.Before that, in January 1944, it was discovered that a gene can be transferred from one cell I to another. Then n January Of 1 954, it was discovered that viruses can be used to help transfer one gene from one cell to another. In 1970, it was attempted for the first time to do gene therapy y on a hope and the therapy ended up being successful. There are many pros of using this technique. It is possible that gene therapy c an cure diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, many type of cancer, or Parkinson disease. I t has several advantages over drug therapy, like providing a cure rather than just tranquility e the symptoms.Gene therapy is the only help for curing diseases, unless there is some found cure for that certain disease. Gene therapy will revolutionize the practice of medicine. The role of doctors and patients will be changing in the coming years, and it will all be due to gene the rape. This technique has the ability to cure many of the diseases that have affected our society for years. There are also many cons to this use of gene therapy. The lack Of understands nag of the treatment and how it works could be very bad.By not knowing what gene the rape can do(effect it might have on the patient), it could harm someone, (likely or not likely). That would lead to a bad reputation and no one would ever let a doctor use gene therapy on them. If doctors want the gene therapy to have long term effects, then more research needs to be done . There is no guarantee that the vector carrying the good gene, will end up in the right place e. That might cause more damage to the genetic make up and cause the disease to grow, spread, or worse. Drug therapy, although only palliating the manifestation, has been tried and deem d safer than gene therapy. Perhaps the most important idea to take away from gene therapy is that prep active genetic testing represents just a tiny bit of knowledge about an extremely complex us object: our genetic makeup. Scientists had hoped that the complete human genome would quickly lead us into an age of individualized medicine: Doctors could perform tests to assess genetic risks for common (and monotonous) diseases; determine whether a patient was vulnerable t o certain environmental factors, including cigarette smoke and air pollution; and deter mine what drugs would work best for a patient with the fewest harmful side effects.Although we havent yet reached the age of individualized medicine, a growing number of predictive g emetic tests can save lives and Influence lifestyle decisions; however, the value of these tests v rises because most have uncertain predictive value. Really don t have an opinion on gene therapy, i agree with it, but then i disagree e. I agree with it because it can prevent child ren from dying prematurely from a disease .

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