Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Online sex offenders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Online sex offenders - Essay Example One of the studies revealed that majority of the online sex offenders have testified to contact sexual activities with their victims who are majorly children. For this reason, all online sex offenders should be held accountable for their actions by facing the full wrath of the law. Furthermore, they should be monitored even after serving their sentence because most of them tend to repeat the same offence. There are two types of online sex offenders; type one are those who knowingly take advantage of the innocence of the minors to seek for sexual activities. The second group is the offenders who unknowingly interact with the minors thinking that they are adult. This second group is tricky because the children propagate the act. However, irrespective of the group, all of them are liable for prosecution because it is believed that all the adults must practice responsible sexual relationships. The online sex offenders upon realizing that their prey is a child they employ various tactics with the sole purpose of winning their trust. Majority of them start with an informal introduction where they portray themselves as humble, reliable and trustworthy individual who can be available to assist the minor in handling emotional issues. After getting to know the minor, the offender takes advantage of them by using the information gathered to seduce the child. At this point, the offender exchange pornographic materials such as the videos and pictures to the minor with the goal of luring them into sexual addition, some even organizes with the minors for meeting where they engage in physical sexual activities. Lack of proper protection laws provides a platform for these culprits to proceed with this vice without being held accountable. Minor solicitation is acts where by individuals who are more than eighteen years old utilize internet to involve minors in sexual activities. The law dictates that there

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