Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Soliloquies of Hamlet

Soliloquies of Hamlet The Soliloquies of HamletAuthors use various literary elements to give insightinto the mental composition of their characters. InShakespeare's "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark," we can traceHamlet's mental process through his soliloquies.Hamlet's first soliloquy reveals him to be thoroughlydisgusted with Gertrude, Claudius, and the world in general."How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, seem to me all theuses of this world" (1284), he said. He is saddened by thedeath of his father, who he admired as a king and husband tohis mother. His grief over his father's death iscompounded by his mother's hasty marriage to Claudius.Hamlet protests, "a beast, that wants discourse of reason,would have mourn'd longer" (1285). The worst part is thathe cannot tell them how he feels.In his second soliloquy, Hamlet becomes curious andsuspicious after hearing of the ghost. "My father's spiritin arms! All is not well; I doubt some foul play" (1287),he said.HamletHamlet feels that the presence of the ghostin dicates that his father died due to dubious circumstance.After talking with his father's ghost, in the 3rdSoliloquy Hamlet is angered by the news that Claudius hadmurdered his father. Hamlet assures that he will think ofnothing but revenge. "I'll wipe away all trivial fondrecords...and thy commandment all alone shall live withinthe book and volume of my brain" (1296), he proclaims.In Hamlet's fourth soliloquy, his mental state showssigns of declination. He castigates himself for not takingaction to avenge his father. He realizes that he has causeto kill Claudius, but cannot muster the chutzpah to gothrough with it. He said, "Why, what an ass am I! This ismost brave, that I...must, like a whore, unpack my heart...

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